Restrictions of international trade in textiles (analytical study)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The clothing and textile sector occupies great importance within the scope of commodity trade, as it represents one of the points of convergence and difference between the interests of countries, the positions of countries towards it vary according to their location in export and import, if the state depends a lot on its exports of textile products, it is in its interest to reduce and even eliminate all restrictions that hinder their flow in the markets of importing countries, and vice versa, The importing countries, when there is the possibility of their production, find that protecting their local industry from competition requires restricting the exports of other countries to them of these products, and to the extent of the likelihood of compatibility or lack thereof, the countries' dealings with these goods range between liberalization and restriction, and follow the same policy on all other goods. The sector referred to has remained outside the scope of trade liberalization negotiations in all GATT Rounds preceding the Uruguay Round. Trade in textiles has been subject to special restrictions and arrangements between importing and exporting countries, through bilateral agreements or unilateral measures by importing countries, and its remaining outside the scope of these negotiations has resulted in the failure to enforce the principles and provisions of multilateral trade in GATT 47 on trade in textiles. 
