Legal dimensions of microfinance leasing and enhancing financial inclusion

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Financing is the way all projects seek. The project needs funding from its inception and throughout its life to face the economic and social changes that surround it and affect the competitiveness of the project.  Therefore, economists and financial management scientists believe that financing companies or industrial and commercial projects is an ongoing process and is one of the most difficult problems facing those in charge of these projects and they are in the process of searching for the best means that help them provide the necessary while achieving increasing annual profits year after year, and there is no doubt that this is good for the national economy and increase the comprehensive development process. Contemporary economies pursue policies of economic freedom by applying the principles of a market economy characterized by intense competition, intertwining interests and the intensity of conflicts, and in the midst of that, each economic institution seeks to ensure its sustainability and continuity by expanding its activity, whether by replacement, expansion or renewal. 
