The crime of resisting employees "a comparative study"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The researcher who aims to write a doctoral thesis in law had to write, for the sake of scientific knowledge and its strength, to write on a subject that he has never been familiar with in his studies, and that scientific sources are within reach, and easy to obtain, but he must choose a new scientific topic within the modern topics developed, through which it can answer some of the questions that some people have and in order to complete scientific sobriety in order to be a new source for the library. legal. Therefore, the choice of the subject has a lot of fatigue, perseverance, follow-up, full study and guidance of the supervising professor to us, it has been agreed to choose legal writing on the subject (the crime of resisting employees (a comparative study). And that the state carries out its various activities through some members of society and that this individual has a name is the public employee, who in turn performs some diverse and different functions, whether in one of its legislative institutions, or the executive institution, Or the judicial institution, after being assigned by one of the three authorities, and through this it can be said that those in charge of the work or burdens of public authority are public servants, and those with a public capacity, such as members of the People's Assembly and the Shura Council, and those entrusted with a public service.
