The risks of nanotechnology between the environment and the consumer and the dimensions of legal responsibility

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Science is a vast sea and the wheel of science is in continuous progress and never stops. Therefore, we find every new day in all fields, and there is no doubt that nanotechnology has become the subject of modern science and the focus of its attention and has become at the forefront of the most important fields in physics, chemistry, biology and others. We do not exaggerate in saying that the latest findings of the human mind in the twenty-first century is nanotechnology, The definitions about nanotechnology and the history of the emergence of this technology, its importance, advantages and characteristics have differed, and as a result, the effects of using nanotechnology in the long term are not yet known, for the human body it is not possible to say with certainty the results of the entry of some nanomaterials to it, as it may lead to toxic effects, which negatively affects the human body in general, but it has raised many concerns due to the risks that result from it, which may cause harm to the consumer.
