Determinants of strengthening Egyptian-African economic relations - their most important obstacles and ways to overcome them «an analytical study»

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


There is no doubt about the importance of the economic dimension as a cog in the wheel of Egyptian-African cooperation because Africa is a vast geographical market for our local exports, in which our products are implemented very easily compared to other international markets with their impossible conditions and pragmatic requirements such as the European market. We have witnessed for ourselves the growth of Egyptian exports to African countries increasing at the quantitative and qualitative levels, specifically since 2019, when the pace of trade partnership between Egypt and the countries of the continent has escalated. With trade relations improving in this way, Egypt must seek to maintain this pace and improve trade partnership more and more by overcoming the current obstacles resulting from the global economic repercussions following the Corona pandemic and other ongoing economic crises and their negative effects on the state of global economic growth and global markets. 
