Res Judicates Issued by the Arab Court of Human Rights (Comparative Study with the European Court of Human Rights)

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law - University of Sharjah


One of the permanent regional international courts whose existence is supported by the charters of international organizations is the Arab Court of Human Rights. This court was established as a result of a regional agreement made under the auspices of the League of Arab States. The statute's provisions gave the court its judicial character and provided legal weight to the decisions it would render once it began to exercise its authority. The res judicata in the face of its parties who initially accepted its jurisdiction, according to the text of Article 20 of its statute, as the judgment issued by the Arab Court of Human Rights acquires the qualities and characteristics of an international judicial judgment issued by a competent and independent international and regional jurisprudence, so it has the force of res judicata, which means that it is mandatory and final once it is issued. The study aimed to identify the judicial capacity of the Arab Court of Human Rights, and to clarify the method of issuing judgments from the Arab Court of Human Rights, the extent of their mandatory implementation and how to implement the judgments to be issued by the Arab Court of Human Rights, and to comment on its judgments, in comparison with the European Court of Human Rights.
