Provisions of invalidity in contracts Employment contract and management contract as a model

Document Type : Original Article


King Abdulaziz University-Department of Law


The objectives of the study were as follows: 1- To know the concept of invalidity and its nature. 2- Identifying the basis for invalidity and its sources. 3- Identifying the effects of the invalidity of employment contracts. 4- Identify the implications of management contracts. Study Methodology: The method adopted in the presented research is the inductive method and the analytical method. Study topics: The study consisted of two topics as follows:The first topic: (what is invalidity) and talked about the concept of invalidity and its nature, as well as the basis, source and determination of invalidity. The second topic: (the effects of the invalidity of contracts and their judicial applications). This topic included the effects of the invalidity of work contracts, as well as the effects of the invalidity of management contracts.
