What is an international employee

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The current research aims to shed light on the nature of the international employee, and to clarify who distinguishes the international employee from the administrative employee and the representative of the state, while clarifying the steps for appointing the international employee, and determining the special legal status of the international employee. In the performance of their various tasks, international organizations use a large number of workers, including technical and administrative, and some of them work permanently or temporarily, and the majority of jurisprudence refers to all of them as international employees or international employees. On April 11, 1949, regarding compensation for damages to the employees of nations, that every employee, with or without pay, who works on a permanent basis or not, is appointed by one of the organizations of the organization to assist in the exercise of one of the functions of the organization. In general, the description of the international employee refers to a group of international employees who occupy permanent and continuous jobs and enjoy a special legal system to regulate their relations with the organization and to indicate their obligations towards it and their rights before it. In light of the foregoing, the current research was divided into three sections, which began with the first topic, which dealt with the concept of the international employee, and was followed by the second topic under the title of appointing the international employee, and then the third topic, which sheds light on the special legal status of the international employee. The results of the research concluded that the international organization has grown and developed since the nineteenth century to meet two different needs: the general tendency to achieve peace and the progress of peaceful relations between states and requires a global organization with its objectives and geographical extension, and secondly, a series of specific necessities related to some special issues and require the establishment of Many specialized organizations. From a legal point of view, it is not possible to go along with saying that a new system has begun, as this requires the emergence of principles, values, concepts and new rules that were not known before. Politically, the international community has recently gone through changes represented in the collapse of the communist eastern bloc, the disintegration of the Soviet Union (Russia) and other eastern European countries into a number of independent republics, the unification of Germany, the end of the manifestations of the Cold War, and the isolation of the United States of America as a single major power in the world, even for a while. time may be temporary. If we return to the so-called new international order in the light of the foregoing, it is important to refer to two basic stages of the development of international law by highlighting the first essential features, which is the stage of what was known as traditional international law, and the second is the stage of contemporary international law - because there is There is a big difference between the variables and the system and therefore the legal rules. In this regard, we note that some of the well-intentioned may believe that the proliferation and multiplicity of international organizations achieve the expected hope of saving the peoples of the world from the scourge of wars and international ambitions, ensuring stability and achieving development.
