The crime of promoting human organs over the Internet in UAE legislation

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law - University of Sharjah


Despite all the positives and importance of the Internet in life, it has become used as a means of committing many crimes, including the crime of electronic promotion of trafficking in human organs, which takes several forms, often hidden in advertisements for donation of human organs, but is in fact an online promotion. The UAE legislator has regulated the rules of criminalization and punishment for this crime in several laws, including federal law No. 34 of 2021 on rumors and cybercrime, and decree no. 5 of the 2016 Federal Act on the Regulation of organ transplantation and human tissue. The idea of research came from the seriousness of the crime of electronic promotion of trafficking in human organs, as this crime violates humanity and during which human organs are treated as a commodity sold and bought for money, and is considered a violation of the crime of the human body. The importance of research also comes from the importance of having deterrent penalties for anyone who begs to promote through information technology to human members with the intention of buying and selling, and the research is an important research in the field of criminal law as it addresses the adequacy of the sanctions brought by UAE legislation to address this crime.
