Behavioral and ethical principles in dealing with refugees

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


In view of the reality of the nation and the wars and conflicts that have spread in it, a large number of refugees have resulted, whose issue has become one of the most urgent to be addressed, because they are among the people most exposed to injustice and suffering. This suffering has been exacerbated in recent years, due to the externally supported turmoil in the world - whether religious or military - and malicious conspiracies.  It resulted in the emergence of large numbers of refugees. Just as Islam took into account the religious aspects of people, it placed great importance on the worldly aspects of the relationship of individuals with each other, as well as groups, peoples and states. There is no doubt that the general principle in Islam is the infallibility of man in himself, his money, his honor and his religion, because they are his rights and freedoms guaranteed to him by this great religion, and therefore: no regime may tamper with these rights and freedoms, confiscate them, or ignore them. The refugee is one of the most threatened communities and has been taken with special care by Islam.
