Pillars and principles guiding the rooting of the jurisprudence of Muslim minorities.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


He has revealed Allah his law to organize human life, and to obtain by following it the happiness of this world and the hereafter, the Almighty said: "Then we made you a law of command, so follow it and do not follow the whims of those who do not know" [Al-Jathiya: 18], and the law of Allah Almighty regulates and reforms all human affairs, and it is all mercy, all good, and it is valid for every time and place. Among the most important issues that highlight the flexibility, completeness and breadth of Islamic law are the issues and rulings concerning Muslim minorities living in Western societies. Through the purposes of Sharia and the rules of jurisprudence, the jurist can address many of the calamities and emerging issues of Muslim minorities in these non-Muslim countries, thus maintaining their adherence to their faith and identity, as well as explaining the virtues of the Islamic religion in these societies that do not know much about the truth and greatness of this true religion.
