Addressing the gaps in the international protection system for refugees and displaced persons within the framework of the theory of the responsibility to protect.

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law – University of Sharjah


This study aims to clarify the concept of refugees and displaced persons (DPs), as well as address the challenges they face. In addition, it clarifies the concept of the international protection system for Refugees and DPs and how it helps in providing such protection. The study addresses the defects in the protection system through the theory of international protection responsibility and points out to the shortcomings and limitations of relevant legal texts. The study concludes that despite the existence of a number of international treaties and organizations that deal with the issue of providing international protection for such group, there are still defects and shortcomings in the tools designed to provide such protection, which requires the need to address such defects through a process of restructuring the international refugee law in a way that addresses more effectively the shortcomings of the current system.
