What is illegal immigration

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Illegal migration is a clear violation of human rights and has become a phenomenon of global proportions, where criminal networks exploit the conditions of vulnerable groups of individuals such as children and women, and the poor in their displacement from poor countries to rich countries in search of a better life and are sometimes exploited in illegal acts such as prostitution and slavery. Based on the foregoing, there are many opinions and ideas about these reasons, due to the multiplicity of motives driving them, The African continent needs on the basis that it is the source of migrants more than ever, and although the phenomenon of illegal immigration is an old phenomenon thanks to which civilizations were formed and societies emerged, but in our time and with the steady increase in population, the deterioration of economic conditions and the wealth of communications and transportation that contributed to facilitating the movement of individuals between countries, where dreamers have excellent job opportunities that require moving to a new land where the possibilities of this dream come true. 
