The role of digital freedoms and rights in consolidating the values of citizenship in the State of U.A.E..

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law - University of Sharjah


This research aims to study the impact of digital freedoms and rights on the values of citizenship in the United Arab Emirates. It has been shown through this research that there is a direct relationship between the feeling of citizenship and the exercise of digital rights and freedoms. Where individuals who are able to enjoy their rights and freedoms, especially in the digital realm, feel a greater sense of citizenship. Conversely, when individuals are denied their digital rights and freedoms, their sense of citizenship diminishes. However, it is important to note that citizenship is not defined solely by the equality of citizens, but rather depends on the legislative organization of the country and the responsibility of every citizen to serve his country, protect its foundations and beliefs, and work for the public benefit; True citizenship is based on loyalty and belonging to the homeland and the values of solidarity and cooperation within society, and then these values must be promoted through all available and legitimate means, including the exercise of digital rights and freedoms.
