Legal protection of Afghan women in light of the rules of international human rights law

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law – University of Sharjah


This research aims to study and analyze the general framework of women's rights in international human rights law and to identify the mechanisms for the protection of women's rights, and to identify the legal framework for the protection of Afghan women's rights in international human rights law by clarifying the political, social and cultural rights of Afghan women, and clarifying the role of national mechanisms for the protection of Afghan women's rights. In order to better understand and evaluate the subject and develop recommendations that ensure the activation of these mechanisms to provide greater and more effective protection to ensure the rights of Afghan women in light of the rules of international human rights law, the research relied on the descriptive and analytical approach. The research reached several results, the most important of which is the existence of many national mechanisms to support the rights of Afghan women in light of the rules of international human rights law. However, after the Taliban took control of power in Afghanistan in August 2021, the movement dissolved human rights monitoring mechanisms, such as the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission, and dismantled specialized courts for gender-based violence and support services for women and children.
