Conditions for receiving grants and economic assistance in Islamic law

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Grants and foreign economic assistance represent an important and major source of financing for developing countries, on the basis that they contribute to financing some of the objectives of economic and social development within the beneficiary countries, and with the development of global economic conditions, the spread of globalization, the development of means of communication and transportation, and the formation of global economic organizations and institutions,  A global situation prevailed, a clear orientation and a global economic system towards relying on grants and assistance in financing development, and it became difficult to deviate from it or change its concepts, and thus grants and economic assistance became part of the global economic system, and it became natural to have international agencies and institutions concerned with organizing the access of poor and developing countries to these grants and assistance, and there are donor countries and international institutions committed to paying these grants and assistance, The matter has turned into a quasi-international obligation, and developing countries have become dependent on these grants and assistance mainly and cannot abandon them, and at the same time these grants and assistance do not bring real benefit to the recipient countries, but on the contrary, often have negative effects.
