Appeal is a normal way to appeal a penal ruling.

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law - University of Sharjah


The legislative philosophy required the development of methods of appealing judicial rulings in order to achieve justice, access to the truth, and address, avoid and correct judicial errors in which the judgment of the Court of First Instance may occur. Achieving judicial justice, which requires granting the parties to the criminal case the legal means to correct the judgments, and methods have been divided into ordinary methods of appeal and unusual methods of appeal, The jurists also agreed to divide it into ordinary appeal methods, namely opposition appeal and appeal and unusual methods of appeal, which are cassation and petition for reconsideration, and this division was followed by most legislation, including UAE and Egyptian legislation. The methods of appeal are a license prescribed for the parties to the lawsuit to show the defects of the judgment issued therein, and to demand - before the competent judiciary - to cancel or amend it in a manner that removes its defects. The researcher also believes that the definition of the methods of appeal is the authority granted by the legislator to those who were a party to the lawsuit to submit a request to correct or request the cancellation of the judgment before the competent authority To reach a judgment closer to the truth.
