Electronic execution of civil judicial rulings in light of the federal laws of the State of U.A.E.

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law - University of Sharjah


Electronic execution of civil judgments is the proceeding with the procedures for the execution of judgment using electronic means of communication, digital and smart channels thereof without affecting the essence of the executive judiciary work, but rather pertinent to a new characterization of its procedures. The execution of civil judgments through electronic methods has several advantages. It contributes to the acceleration of executive work, minimizes crimes adjacent to human work and facilitates the matter for the masses of litigants and judgment creditors. In event of settlement of modern technologies, its disadvantages may be minimized such as providing live broadcasting for the Court rooms, improving the virtual environment of the electronic execution court, and enhancing security and confidence by following the existing and available technical and administrative procedures in the digital transformation structure of Of UAE Federal Government. The legitimacy of such transformation relies on the Articles of the Civil Procedures Federal Law and the multiplicity of its assurances in UAE Federal Laws.
