Implementation of corporal punishment in the Saudi Arabia system and the law of the Republic of Egypt Arabic

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


 Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and I pray and greet the most honorable of the prophets and messengers, our master Mohamed - may Allah peace and blessings be upon him - saying: "Then let the rights be given to their people on the Day of Resurrection so that the sheep may be led by the sheep who are the peers" and then the prayers and peace of Allah upon him and his family and companions. This research talks about the study ( Implementing corporal punishment Between the system of Saudi Arabia and the system of the Republic of Egypt Arabic) and the statement of the basis based on the legal and legal systems and the aims of social interests such as general deterrence in the implementation of corporal punishment, and the concentration of the case in the method of implementation there are those who implement as stated by the Islamic legislator and who implements as stated  There is no doubt that the goal leads to one goal, which is the administration of justice by preserving the rights of society and protecting their interests, this is a humanitarian statement, but there are important questions in how to implement, for example, in the implementation of the death penalty against the perpetrator of the crime, so Saudi Arabia systems took the methods of implementation of the sentence Issued in the killing of a person from a Sharia court with different reasons and that I will mention in this research in detail, as it came in the Egyptian law so hanging the neck in the rope, so why not implement how to implement in Saudi Arabia as taken by the Egyptian law, and what is the importance of focusing on the goal of implementing corporal punishment in the two systems. 
