"The nature of local authorities" (a comparative study).

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


In this chapter of the study, we will explain what local authorities are, we can say: Local authorities are one of the methods of administrative organization that states usually follow in performing their functions to provide services to citizens, according to which local authorities are entrusted with the exercise of some functions of central authorities by involving their agencies in performing some functions and providing services to the citizens of the region.  It is as if the performance of functions and the provision of services are the monopoly of the central administrative authorities alone, but the rapid democratic development, the complexity of competences, the distribution of services and the increasing burdens placed on the central authorities have imposed a new impact on them, according to which these authorities have ceded some of their competencies to the local authority and placed some of their burdens on the local councils;  Local councils, as local bodies, are an integrated body in the contemporary state, forming their own entity, realistic content and legal concept, with characteristics, obstacles, functions and powers.
