Commitment to confidentiality in the technology transfer contract.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Technology has a special importance in production processes, and has positive repercussions on the development process in general, and may even return its advantages to the military power of the state, and the phenomenon of knowledge transfer reflects a reality as old as humanity is the ability to acquire information and knowledge and transfer it to others, and with the advent of the era of the industrial revolution in Europe, technology has gained special importance given its ability to affect the means and conditions of the production process.  In that period, the movement of technological development has increased significantly in Western European countries and North America, and at this time technology has become of great commercial value, which had an impact on productive and industrial development, so the direct reason for countries seeking to obtain it by all possible and impossible means, and the most important of these means is contracting with its owners, Obtaining technology by the recipient is often less expensive than if he did research and experiments in order to obtain and develop it, so that it has a positive impact on industrial development and productivity, so it was believed that obtaining technology saves him a lot of effort and money.
