Mechanisms to confront administrative corruption to promote foreign direct investment (analytical and comparative study).

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Corruption has spread in society, in a "cancerous" form, pervasive in all areas of life, there is political corruption, economic corruption, and administrative corruption. Administrative corruption is one of the phenomena that may affect the economy, and the economy represents the backbone of society, and therefore there are serious repercussions on countries, whether developed or developing countries, although its size and effects differ, it is present everywhere and at all times, Therefore, economic policymakers have put the issue of corruption in the priorities of their concerns, to reduce it, in order to achieve growth and economic development, as corruption in all its forms has serious effects on the overall general construction of the state and society, and corruption is growing in countries that are going through difficult circumstances, more than others. Corruption is also a major obstacle to growth, development and investment, as it provides incentives for the waste of economic resources. Distorting competition and the market, reducing the effectiveness of government administrations, undermining democracy, distorting public spending decisions, reducing economic stability, thus losing public confidence, and hitting the reputation of the state in general, and thus affecting basic economic channels, the most important of which are investment, trade, and foreign direct investment, which is an essential means in the process of economic development, as it is considered a complementary or alternative financing tool.  Many countries resort to it, which face a deficit in financing their investment, due to the lack of their domestic resources,Besides the difficulty of obtaining external loans.
