The legal nature of the administrative license.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Individuals need many activities that are necessary to meet their needs, achieve their desires and make them happy, and this can only be achieved through the consecration of the freedom system, but leaving these activities unregulated and monitored by the state will inevitably affect public order as well as the freedoms of individuals through individuals' assault on each other's freedoms. Hence, the State must intervene in the activities of individuals, which are increasing;  Due to the development of life in various fields: Therefore, this intervention is necessary to ensure the protection of society from these activities, whether individual or collective, that will lead to chaos in society if left unorganized, and the best interventions carried out by the state in the activities of individuals is what achieves a balance between the freedoms of individuals in practicing their various activities on the one hand, and the requirements of maintaining public order in all its elements on the other hand.
