Digital justice challenges before civil courts .

Document Type : Original Article


Lawyer and lecturer at Gulf colleges



Most countries are now working on choosing an integrated digital justice system, which has now been used by many countries in the region, such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it was the first to choose a digital justice system in which it excelled and innovated, as this development must be met with knowledge, vision, and stability of the idea, and because there is no doubt about it. The development of the judicial system through modern technologies serves complete justice, including the methods of notifying adversaries of hearings and rulings, and the effort taken by the bailiffs office to deliver the announcements to the person notified to them. In place of the announcement is a message on the approved phone in the name of the person notified to, This electronic mechanism enables lawyers to file lawsuits related to their clients through the website designated for this purpose, as well as holding sessions remotely via the link designated for this by the Ministry of Justice and its website. This digital justice system has many more positives than negatives, which The organizer can avoid it as she works and gains experience with clients and workers in this system, including judges, lawyers, employees, and other assistants to judges and courts. Any new experience she has regarding the challenges she faces will be mentioned in the scientific paper.
