Information Technology Crimes in US Legislation As Compared to Arab Legislations

Document Type : Original Article


Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences State of Kuwait


Due to the increase in crimes related to information technology, civilized countries have begun to put in place special criminal legislation to combat computer crimes, which is an emerging phenomenon in criminology. All legislative or other measures as necessary to make unlawful access to all computer systems or any of its parts a criminal offense according to domestic law. between member states in the absence of international agreements. Thus, the world found itself in a small village, and this village of information became the focus of the attention of all legitimate and illegitimate stakeholders, and information technology began to produce comprehensive effects on the administrative, economic, social, political, cultural, and legal structure of countries, because every scientific invention must open new horizons and arrange Effects that existed before its existence and spread, and here it was necessary for the law to intervene, how not, while it is regulated by its rules of all kinds, for all walks of life.
