Oversight of employers in employing people with disabilities in accordance with UAE legislation

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - University of Sharjah


People with disabilities have suffered from neglect and marginalization for many centuries, as society treated them as a third-class group and did not believe in their abilities. Islam came and took care of them, and decided their rights, but despite that, the deliberate marginalization remained over long decades in the modern era, but they fought and defended their rights until an international agreement was signed in which a number of Arab countries participated to protect the rights of persons with disabilities in 2006 AD. The disabled now constitute a large and important group in society, so it has become necessary to give them all their rights, whether in education, health care, or their right to work, like other citizens, and to search for ways, means, and solutions to integrate this group into society, and to benefit from their abilities instead of marginalizing them. Therefore, many countries have enacted and legislated laws for this category. It is well known that all people, whether normal or disabled, have the right to work. People with disabilities are considered a group in society with a special character and have special capabilities. Many countries have paid great attention to this.
