The international legal system to combat the climate change

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of law - Zagazig University


Climate changes are one of the outcomes of human interaction with the surrounding environment. The result is a high degree of global warming of our planet, which has many effects on the environment, animals, and humans. Therefore, the international action agenda was interested in including the issue of combating climate change, especially in an organization in the United Nations and in many conferences that emerged from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the latest of which was the Conference of the Parties held in Sharm El-Sheikh in its 27th session to confront the phenomenon of climate change Cop27, and its emergence to the world With the aim of moving from “the planning stage to the implementation stage”;. Perhaps the most important characteristic of combating climate change in international action is that it is originally based on framework principles, (guidelines) that is, in the concept of public international law, consider it not binding. In addition, its effectiveness is determined according to the principle of good faith in the implementation of international obligations, which depends on the will of its parties, so we address in this scientific paper two basic ideas that determine the contemporary and future international legal system to combat climate change, preceded by an introductory topic in which we know what is meant by climate change, and the evolution of the legal system to combat it. First; the idea of ​​carbon tariffs as one of the most important ways for the international community to combat climate change.  So, we will discuss what is meant by it, its role, and evaluate this method in the future and its feasibility. Second; We discuss the idea of ​​establishing an independent international organization concerned with combating climate change, and responsible for following up, observing and control the commitments of its members towards combating climate change.
