The end of the functional relationship in accordance with Emirati legislation and jurisdiction

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law - University of Sharjah


The Public Office – at present – enjoys a special and important position in any legal and administrative studies, it has a close relationship with the State through development of economic, social and cultural resources there in. wherein the State could only achieve its objectives, yearn for it, unless through advancement of Public Office at an accurate and sound organizational and structural level in all respects  In this regard, it is worth noting that the State’s function and tasks have clearly changed from what it was in the past. Consequently, its function limited to managing and organizing the Main Public Facilities, which in turn paved the way for private initiative to participate in the conduct of Public Affairs. From this perspective, the Institutional Structure of the State will have necessary presence for individual and private institutions participation in a very broad and multi-faceted framework, which necessitated the need resorting to the consecration of the principle of Job Classification .