Economic analysis of green sovereign bonds in Egypt: a comparative study within the framework of the Paris Agreement and COP 27

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law-Mansoura University


Objective: The study aims to analyze the potential role of green bonds in addressing Egypt's environmental and economic challenges. It also aims to study the feasibility and potential impact of using green bonds as a financing mechanism for environmentally friendly projects in Egypt, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management and sustainable agriculture. In addition, the study aims to assess the benefits and risks associated with the implementation of green bonds in Egypt, including their ability to attract capital, promote sustainable development, and mitigate environmental risks. Finally,  The study aims to analyze the regulatory frameworks and policy incentives needed to support the growth of green bonds in Egypt, ensuring transparency, accountability and investor confidence, with the aim of providing recommendations and guidelines to policymakers, stakeholders and market participants to facilitate the effective implementation and growth of green bonds in Egypt, in line with the country's sustainable development goals. Study Design: The study adopts a comparative analytical approach to determine the economic and environmental feasibility of green sovereign bonds in Egypt. The study relies on quantitative data on the issuance and performance of Egyptian green bonds in addition to qualitative analysis through reviewing relevant studies and documents, which include information and data on the regulatory framework, existing green projects, financial market data, and relevant economic and environmental indicators. In order to maximize the benefit of international experiences in the field of green bonds,
