Electronic voting in elections As one of the mechanisms of digital transformation An analytical study of Article 3 of the National Elections Authority Law No. 198 of 2017 AD

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law – Mansoura University


There is no doubt that elections in their current form date back to the electoral processes that emerged from the mid to late nineteenth century in newly democratic societies, and at that time, many electoral concepts were introduced, one of which was the secret ballot, which required the use of a voting interface that was usually a printed ballot paper. With the gradual expansion of the right to vote, which eventually reached almost universal suffrage,  The authorities had to keep printed records of the names of eligible voters to cast their votes. There is no doubt that the expansion of the right to vote has in turn led to the urgent need to manage the process of communication and communication with the vast majority of the adult population who are eligible to cast their votes and collect and count their votes. The use of technology in elections mandates the fulfilment of three needs: a voting interface, a list of eligible voters to cast their ballots, and the administration of the voting process.
