The idea of dependency in labor relations in the revolution of the digital revolution "Digital Platform Models" Comparative analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Civil Law Mansoura University Faculty of Law


The challenges posed by digital platforms have recently revealed the direct and unprecedented impact of modern digital technologies on business relationships. These platforms have led to a radical transformation in the form of traditional work and the emergence of a temporary and flexible business model that is implemented through them, as the latter undertakes the complete organization of work using algorithms, tools and methods of digital technology. This was accompanied by a number of challenges, the most important and prominent of which is the correct qualification of the contractual relationship that links workers to the platforms through which they carry out their work, and the fact that there is a dependency link linking them to these platforms. Through this research, we have discussed the development of the idea of subordination, as a fundamental and distinctive criterion for the employment contract, in employment relationships via digital platforms. In its first chapter, we presented the problem of the traditional concept of dependency in this new type of work relations, by addressing the traditional concept of this idea, and then discussing its suitability for adapting the contractual relationships of digital platform workers. Then, in the second chapter of this research, we moved to study the judicial and legislative position on the idea of dependency in work relationships via digital platforms, by presenting the French position and then discussing the status of the issue in Egyptian law.
